Special guarantees "sanitary crisis" 2021-2022

Book with serenity your skipass this winter

Special guarantees - Ski resort closed due to sanitary crisis Covid-19

Stays :


– 1 – In case of total closure of the resort during the whole duration of your skipass, you get refund totally.


– 2 – In case of closure during a part of the duration of your skipass, you get refund the days you didn’t ski (difference between the price of the whole skipass and the price of the skipass corresponding of the days you ski.


– 3 – Modification (ou cancellation) possible for your skipass Portes du Mont-blanc or Evasion Mont-Blanc for a later date, on simple demand without fees.

The demand of modification must be made at least 3 days before the date of validity of the skipass (details in the terms of sale)


Season Skipass :


– 1 – In case of total closure of the resort during the whole winter, your season/year skipasses and 7 days liberty will be refund totally.


– 2 – In case of total closure due to Covid of Evasion Mont-Blanc resort (more than 29 days between the 18th december 2021 and 18th of april 2022) and more than 19 days for the Portes du Mont-Blanc resort (from 18th december 2021 and 27th march 2022, a credit will be given at the end of the season for season / year skipasses (excluding specials prices under 50% of the public price).

Details of the calculation in the terms of sale (paragraph 11-B)


Based of the same conditions as season Evasion skipass, you will get a credit for 7 days liberty Evasion. The amount will be calculated with the ski days left in your skipass

All our garantees are written in the terms of sale (french)

FAQ - Questions / Answers

Is Covid Pass mandatory to ski ?

It is not necessary today to have a Covid Pass but it is mandatory to come in France.

However, we stay focused on the evolution of the situation and will keep you updated of any change.

What to do if i can't come ?

Every daily and weekly skipass can be modified or cancelled at least 3 days before your first day of ski.

What measures will be taken on the ski resort ?

Wearing a mask is mandatory on all ski lifts, buses and queues.

Daily disinfection will be made in public places.

We stay alert at evolutions of sanitary measures that can be modified at any time.

Sanitary Protocol

Last update : 12th march 2022

We follow carefully the sanitary situation and will apply measures to ensure your safety.


Here are the measures on the resort :


1 - Wearing mask is still mandatory from 6 years old in Gondolas

(Mandatory since the decree n° 2021-1957 from 31st december 2021)


Wearing mask is also recommended in the following places :

– In queues (cash desks, lifts)

– In lifts

2 - COVID pass is mandatory from 12 years old

UPDATE : COVID Pass will no longer be necessary from Monday 14th of march


Note : a vaccinal pass is now mandatory to ski from 16 years old


Validity will be checked at the departure of the resort. 


Access will be refused to anyone unable to show a valid vaccine pass.

You cannot pretend for a refund for this reason

How to have a valid COVID pass ?

Complete vaccine schema in France :

QR code is valid 7 days after the recall. Recall to do from 3 to 4 months after the second shot.


1 – Double shot Vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca) 

Beware : Vaccine pass is no longer valid if the second shot was made more than 4 months ago (from 18 years old and 1 month).


2 – Single shot vaccine (Janssen) : recall to do with an Arn vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna) 1 to 3 months after the first shot.

Vaccine pass is no longer valid if the first shot was made more than 3 months ago. 


Proof of PCR or antigénique test (only from 12 to 15 years included) from less than 24 hours (made with a Health Professionnal)

3 – Proof of recovery from COVID-19 from less than 6 months (and more than 11 days)

All European Union Qr codes are valid and also from the following countries :

United Kingdom, Israël, Switzerland, Serbia, Ukraine, Turkey, Norway, Albania,
Andorre, Arménia, Faeroe Island, Géorgie, Island, Liechtenstein, North Macédoina, Moldavia, Marocco, Monaco, New Zeland, Panama, San Marino, and Vatican.

Beware : a complete french vaccine schema is necessary to have a valid pass in France !

Inhabitants from others countries must validate their vaccine pass in an authorized pharmacy, with a valid passeport and your vaccine certificate in paper (with an authorized EU vaccine)

3 - Distancing and hydroalcoholic gel

Skiers must respect in queues a distance with others.


hydroalcoholic gel will be available in cash desks.


Staff will have is own hydroalcoholic gel, will wear mask and keep distance when possible with you.


Picnic rooms are closed due to the restrictions. We apologized for the inconvenience.

Where can you make a PCR test :

On Combloux :

81 route de Sallanches

2 nurse offices on Rendez-vous end of morning or afternoon – Every day :

  • Office of Mesdames SETIF, VACHER et ACCAULT 04 50 89 61 99 – Call only
  • Cabinet de Mesdames MENNEBOO et DERVAUX 06 09 77 22 02 – text message only

Prices :

25,54€ during the week

34,04€ sunday and public holiday.


On Megeve :

  • Center at the first floor of the town hall – Organized by la pharmacie de la Tour – without Rendez-vous
  • Pharmacie du Soleil – 685, Route nationale (04 50 21 55 50) – Without rendez-vous
    After 18th december : 9:00am-12:30pm / 2:30pm-7:15pm
    Sundays : 9:00am-1pm / 3pm-7pm with rendez-vous only
  • Pharmacie du Mont d’Arbois – 60, Rue du Général Muffat St Amour (04 50 21 31 99)
    On rendez-vous
    From 15th december :  every day from 8:30am to 7:30pm
  • Pharmacie du Mont Blanc – 178, Place de l’église (04 50 21 22 06) – On rendez-vous
    From 15th december : every day from 8:30am to 8pm

On Sallanches :

  • Laboratoire MIRIALIS – Without rendez-vous
    33, rue Galilée, 74700 Sallanches
    04 50 58 13 92
    From monday to friday 7:30am to 5:30pm
    Saturday from 07:30am to 11:45am
    Openning depending on the covid situation