Ouverture des ventes

Séjours/Saison : 18 septembre / 2 jours : fin octobre / 1 jour : fin novembre

Combloux Departure CLOSED

Free Shuttle : Combloux <> Cry <> Jaillet

Portes du Mont-Blanc resort: Discount skipasses -15%

Sectors Jaillet OPEN / Giettaz CLOSED

Day skipass : Adult (30 €), Children (25€), Senior (27€)

Ski resort CLOSED

Journée : Adulte (30 €), Enfant (25€), Senior (27€)

Season skipass - Up to 30th november





Ski with COVID-19

Activities on the ski resort

Our resorts


The family resort with an amazing view on Mont-Blanc


Chic moutain village of charm

La Giettaz

Authentic and nature village
william bourgeauwilliam bourgeau
21:36 15 Feb 25
18:16 15 Feb 25
Catherine VerdonCatherine Verdon
16:40 14 Feb 25
Lucie SgaramellaLucie Sgaramella
16:58 13 Feb 25
Myriam SegasMyriam Segas
23:03 12 Feb 25
Artur KArtur K
15:28 11 Feb 25
Great place.
14:48 10 Feb 25
Day of skiing in Combloux. Good weather and good snow. Magnificent panorama!On the other hand, the ski lifts are not great: quite a wait, uncomfortable and "brutal". The chairlifts mow down the legs of skiers. You can feel the metal structure once seated.
Gábor HalászGábor Halász
13:32 10 Feb 25
10:44 10 Feb 25
Nicolas VNicolas V
11:33 09 Feb 25
Having been a regular at the resort for around ten years, I am still disappointed that the Jouty lift and the Jorace piste are closed during the week outside school holidays. We can never take advantage of it... This is the most beautiful track in the area, it's a shame to neglect it so much...
22:24 07 Feb 25
Annelise WohlwendAnnelise Wohlwend
16:24 07 Feb 25
Christiane Da rochaChristiane Da rocha
07:33 07 Feb 25
Roland TichyRoland Tichy
22:34 06 Feb 25
07:31 06 Feb 25
Breathtaking view of Mont-Blanc if you ski on the Combloux side...Magic!
Jeremy OursJeremy Ours
08:00 04 Feb 25
Bad in customer relations.No refund possible on the season pass in the event of a problem, due to snow or technical problems encountered by their Facilities.———We skied in 2022-2023 in the Portes du Mont-Blanc area with my son.We were relatively disappointed by the snow cover and the regular closures of these slopes which are in an average attitude.I sent an email to ask if it was possible to have access to the Evasion domain to compensate for this closure problem.The person in charge of the Mont-Blanc gates told me that he could not give us access to the other area without paying the full price (and yet it belongs to the same group)that he would make a point at the end of the season to make a partial refund depending on the days of closure carried out for this year 2022-2023.of course it's a lie,no refund was possible,The following season, not even a discount or promotion.A manager wrote me an email and hid behind the rules for selling packages:§11.A “no package will be refunded, except in cases of force majeure (lack of snow does not constitute a case of force majeure).————Residents of the “Pays Rochois” region, we cannot benefit from the child rates for the “Pays du Mont-Blanc” which are around €100 per child for the season pass, Evasion.(there have already been several articles in the press concerning this disparity)Which seems to me an aberration,because we must not forget that your future customers may be our children…I am a former Mègevans, (20 years old)———Now, I go skiing with my wife and my two children in the Val d’Arly area, in the Espace Diamant.You also have an excellent view of Mont Blanc from the Espace Diamant slopes.You can count on a customer relationship that is much more appreciable, and unbeatable rates on Saturdays with a reservation on the Internet, Through the site:“the beautiful mountain”
Baptiste VarennesBaptiste Varennes
17:37 01 Feb 25
Very pleasant ski resort, with many well-maintained slopes!Unfortunately, the French bulldog responsible for purchasing the packages lost two stars.
marie Revillardmarie Revillard
16:25 31 Jan 25
Family ski area, great day with my two children.
mickael bailleulmickael bailleul
07:59 29 Jan 25
hafid meskinehafid meskine
11:04 28 Jan 25
Very nice experience, I highly recommend this place.
Anette SundinAnette Sundin
06:56 28 Jan 25
claude claudioclaude claudio
20:54 27 Jan 25
Package too expensive for the size of the domain, otherwise pleasant
Mathieu CastelloMathieu Castello
11:14 23 Jan 25
Very beautiful estate
N KblnN Kbln
00:16 20 Jan 25
Margareta Umar DianataMargareta Umar Dianata
00:00 17 Jan 25
17:57 15 Jan 25
Very beautiful
Moustapha SeneMoustapha Sene
19:25 14 Jan 25
joly sylvianejoly sylviane
15:14 14 Jan 25
A follower for many years, born in Mégève and living in the Jaillet plain, we were very surprised and, to be honest, very angry to see the removal of the pasta ski area moved to the top of the Jaillet for the little ones and replaced by a toboggan run for buoy...🤔🤔My children have all learned to ski here now I have my 6 year old granddaughter for a few days the only possibility is to take the gondola and of course payment AR. I'm angry because it was a very accessible area for families..
Fred FredFred Fred
18:46 13 Jan 25
Superb with the sun
Maud ChaigneauMaud Chaigneau
15:50 12 Jan 25
Perfect domain. Everything you need. Sublime. 360. The dream.
almaz davkaalmaz davka
09:06 09 Jan 25
good ski resort
13:57 04 Jan 25
Really incredible place, we'll be amazed by it, I recommend it
Vizdoaga CatalinVizdoaga Catalin
19:41 03 Jan 25
salman kulpinarisalman kulpinari
10:57 02 Jan 25
I loved it, it’s a beautiful place.
Xavier MalleXavier Malle
19:00 31 Dec 24
The badge on your website inviting you to vote on Google hides the “next” buttons. In short, it's a hassle to book the package online. Too bad because the area is actually great and well covered in snow this year. It also seems to me that there is better grooming this year.
Matt MaggardMatt Maggard
12:55 30 Dec 24
Cart won't open to purchase the tickets.
Xavier MalleXavier Malle
10:48 30 Dec 24
Chris MichelisChris Michelis
21:17 29 Dec 24
Very nice area
Jean-francois PouhinJean-francois Pouhin
18:37 29 Dec 24
impossible to create an account with the note window that opens
Xavier GuidezXavier Guidez
21:09 28 Dec 24
Alexandra MOCANUAlexandra MOCANU
15:06 28 Dec 24
Feyza NURFeyza NUR
18:01 26 Dec 24
Julien BBCJulien BBC
15:36 24 Dec 24
At 3 p.m. I ask to buy a 1 hour pass knowing that the slopes close at 4:30 p.m./5 p.m. I am told that it is only possible to buy a 4 hour pass! In other words, it’s a bit like taking people for idiots! While I was advised by one of the resort staff for this package…
julien dubarjulien dubar
06:58 22 Dec 24
Hélène BertrandieHélène Bertrandie
15:25 05 Dec 24
Emilie TestamalleEmilie Testamalle
08:07 02 Dec 24
The area is great, the slopes always well groomed.The problem? The price of the packages!The resort may be the cheapest in its category, but it still remains quite a budget for a family.Also disappointed that the prices with the Aslie card are not more interesting!
François HOSSINFrançois HOSSIN
10:14 22 Nov 24
Ka KoKa Ko
16:34 24 Oct 24
08:39 18 Oct 24
15:19 29 Aug 24
pascal Gpascal G
14:29 16 Aug 24
We spent a beautiful day hiking from the resort parking lot.
mimi Smimi S
14:27 03 Aug 24
Valentine ScuottoValentine Scuotto
07:43 28 Jul 24
Eddy MaquinEddy Maquin
03:58 25 Jul 24
Théo DesnoeThéo Desnoe
18:27 21 May 24
Very beautiful view for skiing!
Florent BurlouxFlorent Burloux
23:50 03 May 24
Rene Van OverstynsRene Van Overstyns
10:02 29 Mar 24
Christina TinaChristina Tina
19:58 17 Mar 24
claude boucharlatclaude boucharlat
11:40 12 Mar 24
I have been skiing for 25 years at Giett' (for short) the slope, the bumps, the fir trees and the nice people. What else ?
C. TosHer (CtH)C. TosHer (CtH)
07:25 25 Feb 24
The first few days there was no snow, practically none, I know it's nobody's fault (or everybody's fault because of global warming because with a couple of degrees less the rain would have turned to snow). But I think they could have used the cannons especially in areas where everyone was coming down for safety reasons.
Michel SocquetMichel Socquet
08:12 14 Jan 24
Oya Er WilkesOya Er Wilkes
18:14 20 Feb 23
Love it, love it, love it. Good for intermediates with lots of lovely blue runs and some red runs.
20:58 28 Jun 22
Nice place to ski.
P HeapP Heap
17:49 20 Jan 22
Fantastic snow, quiet and ski area goes on for miles.
15:42 10 Mar 20
Very nice ski resort! Highly recommended! Large enough! Powder snow! Amazing view of Mont-Blanc! Reasonable price for the ski pass and a lot of opitions for good restaurants!
xavier varaldaxavier varalda
07:08 30 Dec 19
Beautiful family destination for skiingNice good looking views of the Mont Blanc from all around with sunny exposition
Paul mPaul m
14:20 24 Jan 17
Great range of trails from green to black to suit all skill level. 50 euro for a two day ski pass. Great fun!!!

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Panne TK Mowgli

Accès Combloux par Beauregard uniquement

Dimanche 09/02 et lundi 10/02 

Lundi 10/02 :  navette gratuite

Sens de Circulation :

Départ TK Mowgli

> Rond point des Brons (Caisse centrale)

> Arrêt navette La cry

Mowgli lift out of order

Combloux Access by Beauregard chairlift only

Sunday 09th and monday 10th february

Monday 2025-02-10 :  free shuttle

trafic direction :

Start Mowgli lift

> Roundabout  (Main ticket office)

> Shuttle stop La cry

Du lundi 18 au Dimanche 24 mars :

From monday 18th to sunday 24th march

Entrée Giettaz – Fermeture vendredi 22 mars au soir:

– Téléski du Covagnet (fermé jeudi 21/03)

– Télésiège Grande Rare (piste Blanchots fermé)

– Télésiège Tête du Torraz

– Téléski Charmots

Closed friday 22th evening

Entrée Jaillet – Fermeture dimanche 24 mars au soir:

– Télécabine du Jaillet

– Télésiège de la Ravine

– Téléski Crève Cœur 

Closed Sunday 24th evening

Tarifs journée :

Daily skipasses

Adulte : 30,00 € / Enfant : 25,00 € / Senior : 27,00 €